1) |
Volume V, pp. 72,73.
2) |
3) |
V, Chap. xii.
4) |
are not ignorant of the theory of a pre-Adamite man and
the attempt thus to account for the different races of the
human family. But we stick to the Bible as God's revelation
and, hence, superior to all human conjectures. It declares
the solidarity of the human family in no uncertain terms,
saying: "God made of one blood all nations of
men." (`Acts 17:26`) And
again that Adam was "the first man." (`1
Cor. 15:45,47`) Again the story of the deluge is
most explicit to the effect that only eight human beings
were saved in the ark, and they all children of Noah--descended
from Adam. The variety of human types, or races, must be
accounted for along the lines of climate, customs, food,
etc., and especially along the lines of the seclusion of
the various peoples in various quarters from each other,
by which peculiarities became fixed. This is illustrated
by the fact that Europeans living for a long time amongst
the people of India or China gain a measure of resemblance
to their neighbors, while their children, born in those
lands, bear a still stronger resemblance in skin and features--affected
no doubt by the mother's surroundings during the period
of gestation. An illustration of such assimilation is furnished
by the Chinese of one district, who identify themselves
with the Israelites scattered by the troubles which closed
the Jewish age--about A.D. 70. These Jews have become so
thoroughly Chinese as to be undistinguishable as Jews--the
hardiest of races.
5) |
II, pp. 34,35.
6) |
Vol. I, p. 305; Vol. V, p. 469; Vol. IV, pp. 617, 644, 645.
7) |
Volume II, Chap. vi.
8) |
already indicated, it is only in respect to man's creation
that the Evolution theory conflicts with the Bible--and
only to attack this point does that theory exist or find
9) |
Vol. V, p. 389.
10) |
Vol. I, Chap. viii--The Day of Judgment.
11) |
Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices, pp.
12) |
13) |
V, Chap. xv.
14) |
author's later thought is that this text may be considered
as having reference to the vitally justified.
15) |
Author's later thought is that certain scriptures seem to
teach that the Ancient Worthies will not precede,
but rank lower than the Great Company during the
Millennium, but that they will be received to spirit nature
and higher honors, at its close.
16) |
footnote, page 129.
17) |
V, Chap. ix.
18) |
19) |
Vol. V, Chap. ix.
20) |
Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices, p. 117.
21) |
Shadows of the Better Sacrifices, p. 90.
22) |
V, Chap. v.
23) |
V, Chap. ix.
24) |
Vol. IV, Chap. xii.
25) |
I, p. 96.
26) |
I, Chap. v.
27) |
II, Chap. ix.
28) |
Vol. III, pp. 42,154,155.
29) |
Tim. 3:2; 5:17`; `1 Thess. 5:12`; `Jas. 5:14`
30) |
Shadows of the Better Sacrifices, p. 36.
31) |
place in the Church is treated in Chap. v.
32) |
Volume V, Chap. viii.
33) |
see Chap. ix--"If thy brother trespass against thee."
34) |
are meetings of the character here described held in various
localities, convenient to the little groups who constitute
35) |
are meetings of this kind held in various localities, and
on evenings most convenient for the friends attending each.
They are led by various brethren-elders.
36) |
obligations of the consecrated to their families, and how
this has to do with the devotion of their all to
the Lord, is considered in Chap. xiii.
37) |
Vol. V, Chaps. xiv, xv.
38) |
II, Chap. vi.
39) |
I, Chap. vii.
40) |
41) |
I, Chap. viii.
42) |
additionally, Chapter vi--"Discipline in the Ecclesia."
43) |
I, Chap. v.
44) |
V, Chap. iv.
45) |
V, Chap. ix.
46) |
Shadows of the Better Sacrifices, p. 59.
47) |
Hebrew year begins in the spring, with the first appearance
of a new moon after the Spring Equinox. The 14th day is
easily reckoned, but should not be confounded with Feast
Week, which began on the 15th and continued for a week following
it--the Jewish celebration. That week of unleavened bread,
celebrated by the Jews with rejoicing, corresponds to the
entire future of a Christian--especially representing the
entire year until his next celebration of the Memorial Supper.
With the Jew the sacrifice of the lamb was a means to the
end; a start for the feast of the week, which had his special
attention. Our Memorial relates to the killing of the Lamb,
and hence belongs to the 14th of Nisan (the first month).
Moreover, we are to remember that with the change of counting
the hours of the day, the night of the 14th of Nisan would
correspond to what we would now call the evening of the
48) |
II, Chap. ix, and Vol. III, Chap. iv.
49) |
previous chapter.
50) |
far as we are able to judge, the Lord used fermented wine
when he instituted this Memorial. Nevertheless, in view
of his not specifying wine, but simply "fruit of the
vine," and in view also of the fact that the alcoholic
habit has obtained so great and so evil a power in our day,
we believe we have the Lord's approval in the use of unfermented
grape juice, or raisin juice, to which, if convenient, a
few drops of fermented wine may be added, so as to satisfy
the consciences of any who might be inclined to consider
that obedience to the Lord's example would require the use
of fermented wine. In this manner there will be no
danger to any of the Lord's brethren, even the weakest in
the flesh.
51) |
restrictions of `Lev. 20:18; 15:25`.
52) |
managers, superintendents of penal and reformatory institutions
--in fact every one can profitably apply this principle
of good and true and noble and honest suggestion to those
under their influence and to their own minds. Indeed many
of the most successful in life are already practicing it,
but unconsciously. What are hope and laudable ambition but
mental suggestions?
53) |
parent who thus greets his or her little child must of course
have first cultivated happy suggestions in his own heart;
and this being true, it follows that such good and happifying
suggestions will not be confined to the children, but will
likewise flow out to the wife, husband, neighbors, employees,
etc.; and even the dumb animals will be blessed by it. It
is possible for the "natural" man or woman
to practice this to some extent, but surely only in those
begotten of the holy Spirit of the Truth the Love of God
can be expected to realize success in the highest measure
in this new life, which begins even here under the
reign of Satan to scatter blessings which ere long under
the Kingdom of Messiah shall "bless all the families
of the earth."
54) |
large cities of the East in olden times had great gates
which were closed at sundown, and not permitted to be opened
until morning, lest an enemy should take advantage and make
an attack. But they had small gates which were guarded,
and through which a man might enter and might even bring
in his camel, by taking off the load and permitting the
animal to crawl in on its knees. These small gates were
called "needles' eyes." Thus a rich man may gain
access to the Kingdom, but not encumbered with earthly riches
or treasures. These must be laid off.
55) |
Vol. II, pp. 76-78. Accordingly the culmination of the mustering
forces came in the Autumn of 1914 with the outbreak of the
great European war--a stage in the overthrow of Satan's
56) |
Vol. II, Chap. ix.
57) |
further discussion of Spiritism--Demonism, see "What
Say the Scriptures about Spiritism?" Address the publishers.
58) |
V, p. 110.
59) |
II, Chap. vii.
60) |
Chap. xvii.
61) |
62) |
IV, chap. xiii. p. 640.
63) |
great company, although they cannot be counted in as participants
of the First Resurrection, and sharers of its glory, honor
and immortality, nor counted in with the ancient worthies,
must, nevertheless, be counted as overcomers even though
the overcoming be through great tribulation. And as overcomers,
they must be esteemed to pass from death unto life, and,
therefore, to be subjects of an instantaneous resurrection,
and not a gradual one, as in the case of the world, whose
trial is future.
64) |
I, p. 205.
65) |
rendering of our Common Version, "resurrection of damnation,"
is a serious error which has greatly assisted in beclouding
the minds of many respecting the true import of this passage.
Many seem to gather from it the thought that some will be
resurrected merely to be damned or condemned again. The
very reverse of this is the truth. The word rendered "damnation"
in this verse is the Greek word krisis, which occurs
repeatedly in the same chapter and is properly rendered
judgment. It should be so rendered in this case, and is
so rendered in the Revised Version.
66) |
I, p. 137.
67) |
have already drawn attention to the fact that the clause
"The rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand
years were finished," is without any support from ancient
MSS of earlier date than the fifth century; nevertheless
it is in full accord with what we are here presenting, for
the term "lived not" should be understood
to refer not to awakening but to full restitution to life
in the perfect degree. See footnote Vol. I, p. 288.