Your word is a lamp
for my feet and a light
for my path.
Psalms 119:105

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Books and Booklets

We endeavor to offer the literature at a nominal price to simply cover the cost of printing and shipping (All prices shown are in U.S. Dollar & for U.S. shipment only).   Some of this material can be downloaded from our site for free under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 license. This license allows you to copy and redistribute this material in any medium or format but you may not use the material for commercial purposes and you may not distribute any modified material.

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The Divine Plan of the Ages (New Large Print Paperback)
Shows the internal harmony of the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Includes chapters on Why God Permits Evil, Our Lord’s Return, the Day of Judgment, the Kingdoms of this World in contrast with the Kingdom of Christ, distinction between the human and angelic natures. Features a pull-out chart outlining the distinct time periods defined in the Scriptures. (358 pages)

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The Divine Plan of the Ages
Shows the internal harmony of the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Includes chapters on Why God Permits Evil, Our Lord’s Return, the Day of Judgment, the Kingdoms of this World in contrast with the Kingdom of Christ, distinction between the human and angelic natures. Features a pull-out chart outlining the distinct time periods defined in the Scriptures. (358 pages)
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Paperback: $2.00
Clothbound: $5.00

The Time is at Hand
Looks at Bible chronology, time prophecies, the manner of our Lord’s Return, and the man of sin. (371 pages)
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Clothbound: $5.00
Magazine Edition: $3.00

Thy Kingdom Come
Examines additional time prophecies, Israel, and the harvest of the wheat and tares; includes a chapter on the scriptural corroboration by the passageways of the Great Pyramid. (384 pages)
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Clothbound: $5.00

The Battle of Armageddon
Defines what it is, events leading up to it, and the operations of the promised kingdom; looks in detail at the 24th chapter of Matthew. (660 pages)
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Clothbound: $5.00

The Atonement Between God and Man
Examines the philosophy of atonement, what death is, what man is, the condition of hell, and the relationship between the Father, Son and holy Spirit. (498 pages)
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Clothbound: $5.00

The New Creation
Looks at the Genesis account of creation, practical Christian issues of marriage, raising children, managing a Christian home and our future hopes. (738 pages)
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Clothbound: $5.00

Studies in the Scriptures Series
Complete set of all six volumes listed above.
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Clothbound: $30.00
Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices
Shows the typical significance of the bloody sacrifices required of Israel under the Old Testament law. (164 pages).
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Clothbound: $5.00

The Photo Drama of Creation
Illustrated summary of the Bible History, beginning with the Genesis account of creation and ending with the prophecies of Revelation. (110 pages)
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Paperback: $8.00
Children's Books
The Twelve Apostles of the Lamb
Recommended for ages 8 and older, this book tells the stories of what we know of the twelve apostles, their lives and varying experiences. Illustrated. (83 pages)
Paperback: $6.50
God’s Plan for Everybody (Full Color)
Illustrated Children’s Bible Story book intended for 8 years and older. This book begins with the Creation of all things. It traces the fall from perfection of our parents, Adam and Eve and foretells the return, through Jesus Christ, of earth’s inhabitants to the finished Garden of Eden which will eventually encompass the whole earth. It creates hope and encouragement that this present evil world will come to an end in due time — that God’s will truly will be done on earth as it is done in heaven......(162 pages)
Spiral bound: $20.00

Adam to Zion
This publication contains 93 short Biblical lessons, beginning with the Creation (Adam), followed by the events of the prophets, Israel, Jesus, and his followers, and conclude with God’s Earthly Kingdom (Zion). The lessons can be an informative review for adults. For families, this book, and its supplemental workbook, can be an excellent home Bible study with your younger readers. Recommended for 4th grade and up.

Spiral bound book and workbook: $10.00
What Everyone Should Know About Being Saved
This 72-page booklet thoroughly examines the scriptures on what it means to be saved. Does saying "I believe in Jesus as my personal Saviour" really guarantee anyone an eternity of bliss in heaven with God and the holy angels? Why does the Apostle James say "Faith without Works is Dead."? All Christians should be absolutely certain of this essential subject.
Paperback Booklet: $3.00
And God Cried
This treatise considers the scriptures that reveal the tenderness of God’s fatherly love as He shares the suffering of His children. The question, Why does God permit evil, is scripturally answered, ending with the wonderful promise that evil will come to an end during God’s Kingdom on earth. (55 pages)
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Paperback Booklet: $3.00
Will Israel Survive the End Times?
How does Israel fit into the end time picture, and the entire glorious plan for mankind? Read the booklet - Will Israel Survive the End Times? And you will discover that Israel’s survival of the end times, will actually be the beginning of the glorious eternity for all mankind.
Paperback Booklet: $3.00

Exceeding Great & Precious Promises
A collection of Scriptural promises with comments. This updated version has added many full color images throughout the text while preserving the original content. A topical index has also been added for quick reference by the reader. It is the hope of the publishers that this new edition will encourage brethren in Christ to dwell on the promises of God as often as possible for they give strength and encouragement from God. 144 pages.

Paperback Booklet: $5.00
Can We Identify Antichrist?
How can we identify the Antichrist, the Man of Sin, which must come before Jesus Christ can return for his Bride, his Church? When then can John's prayer representing the longings of the Church for centuries be answered? 
Paperback Booklet: $3.00

Death is an overwhelming tragedy. But in the Bible, the word of God, there is great consolation, wonderful comfort, and healing for broken hearts in the promise of the resurrection. (28 pages)

Paperback Booklet: $3.00

The Doctrine of Christ
A scholarly treatise on the doctrine of the Trinity, tracing its origin to ancient Egypt. Views of the early Church Fathers on the subject examined and its development in church councils. 78 Scripture passages examined. (80 pages)

Paperback Booklet: $3.00
Do We all Worship the Same God?
A Cultural Revolution is creeping across our country. We are in a fundamentally different religious environment from what our grandparents or even our parents encountered. No longer can we think and speak in terms of a Christian society. This booklet examines the impact this Cultural Revolution is having on Christians.
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Paperback Booklet: $3.00
The Great Pyramid: Ancient Wonder, Modern Mystery
Illustrated treatise of the history and significance of this fascinating structure and its corroboration of the plan of God. Diagrams of interior passageways. The companion publication to the video by the same name listed in our video section. (37 pages)
Paperback Booklet: $3.00
How to Study the Bible and have it Make Sense
Gives principles helpful to Bible study, with an explanation of how to use a Strong’s Concordance and other Bible study techniques. (29 pages)
Paperback Booklet: $3.00
Israel: A Nation of Miracles
Reviews the thrilling events leading up to the establishment of Israel as a nation. Discusses to whom the land belongs from God’s viewpoint, as well as the ultimate destiny of Israel in God’s Plan for all people: Christian, Arab and Jew. (25 pages)
Paperback Booklet: $3.00
 Click here to download PDF version
The Israeli-Arab Peace Process and Bible Prophecy
An Open Letter from Christians to Christians citing Biblical authority for supporting the Jews’ rights to disputed land. (56 pages)
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Paperback Booklet: $1.00
I Will Come Again
Presents a scholarly approach to the subject of our Lord’s return. Lists the current signs of Christ’s return, including the reestablishment of Israel. (79 pages)
Paperback Booklet: $3.00
The Time to Favor Zion is Come
Proves from the Old Testament scriptures that modern day Israel’s existence and prosperity are the fulfillment of prophecies written thousands of years ago. (31 pages)
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Paperback Booklet: $1.00

Revelation: How to Study it and have it Make Sense
Gives an overview of the entire book of Revelation and ties it in to a comprehensive understanding of the entire Plan of God. (80 pages)

Paperback Booklet: $3.00
Speaking in Tongues
Examines the scriptural view of the speaking-in-tongues phenomena. (39 pages)
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Paperback Booklet: $3.00
What Say the Scriptures about Spiritism?
Reveals Spiritism and the growth of the Occult to be of Satanic origin. (39 pages)
Paperback Booklet: $3.00

What is the Soul?
Is the soul immortal? What happens to it when we die? Can God destroy a soul? The Bible clearly and simply answers these perplexing questions. (24 pages)


Paperback Booklet: $1.00
What is this World Coming To?
Examines the outcome of present world troubles with chapters on Daniel 12, why God permits evil, and the call of the Church. (39 pages)
Paperback Booklet: $3.00

Where are the Dead?
Examines every Scripture in the Old and New Testaments that contain the word "hell." Original Greek and Hebrew definitions. (105 pages)

Paperback Booklet: $3.00
Why are You a Christian?
Discusses the purpose of the Christian Walk and the preparation of the Christian for future service to the world during Christ’s reign over the earth. (28 pages)
Paperback Booklet: $1.00

God’s Grand Plan Of the Ages
This Christian classic contains over 1,600 Bible texts explained clearly and understandably. It provides a logical progression of the Scriptures, delineating God’s benevolent plan from paradise lost to paradise restored. Each of the fascinating subjects covered thoroughly in the 16 Chapters of this book are like keys which unlock the Bible’s treasures. (96 pages)

Paperback Booklet: $3.00
After Armageddon...God's Kingdom
Armageddon is a frightening prospect. But the Scriptures indicate that after Armageddon the desire of all people for peace and prosperity will come. Read this inspiring booklet that highlights God's plan to bless the human race after the time of trouble accomplishes its purpose.
Paperback Booklet: $3.00


Fortune Tellers and the Spirit World: What does the Bible say?
Why does the Bible convey a very critical, and negative, view of fortune tellers and spirit guides? This booklet aims to help the reader to understand the reasons for God's warnings and to make them aware of the hidden dangers.
Paperback 52 pages Booklet: $3.00



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